30 years accompanying our clients with their own innovative designs and developing new packaging solutions.

Sleeve wrapping of boxes with perpendicular BEP 60 and BTM 65/40.


Shrink wrapping of boxes with perpendicular BEP 60 and BTM 65/40 sleeve wrapper.

BEP wrapping machines are state-of-the-art machines, designed to wrap products or batches of products with shrink polyethylene film.

Starting in all cases with two foil reels as wrapping material, one top and one bottom, the product is tubularly wrapped with this shrink material and sent to a heat chamber.

Through heat, the film is shrink-wrapped so that the final finish is a protected and compact package.

Mechanical construction is robust and operation versatile through electronic control of the different movements of the machine.

BEP range offers high reliability in the operation, allowing adaptation to different formats and production needs.

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